Friday, February 21, 2014

What Makes a Good President?

By Danny P.

Many people have different opinions when it comes to our Commander in Chief. Those differing opinions usually pertain to how he runs the country and what he’s doing right or wrong. As the leader of the free world, a president must have the ability to make tough decisions for the safety and well-being of the American people. Those decisions won’t always be as simple as yes or no, and there may even be more than one solution.
            A good president can be defined by more than just his political party. There hasn’t been a single president in the history of the United States that has ever won over the heart of every single American, but it shouldn’t have to be a popularity contest in the first place. When the President can keep his composure and do his job in face of adversity, it becomes clear that he’s a working man that earned his position. Sometimes, presidents should be praised for avoiding conflicts (wars) instead of starting, ending, and winning them.

            The ideal president shouldn’t lead his people to believe that they live in the “greatest” country in the world. What he should do is encourage them to step back and evaluate why each and every one of us should feel lucky and honored to live in one of the countries that first defined what it meant to be free. The best presidents are the ones who lead in a way that lets the rest of America go to sleep in peace every night without the troubles or worries of what might happen tomorrow.

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