Monday, February 10, 2014

A Look at Logic and Argument

By Danny P.

Personally, I strongly believe that argument and logic go hand-in-hand. Many people may assert their belief that the word argument is nothing more than verbal disagreements or other things of the same nature. In my 19 years on this Earth, I have learned that an argument can pertain to anything that can be proven or disproven with facts or at least some kind of physical evidence. I find it slightly harder to win an argument or debate without being fully prepared and studying one’s topics.  When I think of logic, common sense is usually the first and foremost thought that comes to mind. Logic to me would include everything that goes into the “critical thinking” process. My dad always use to tell me that the most important thing I could do in public was to take the time to think about everything I say or do before I say or do it. I also like to think of the character, Spock, from Star Trek because he is well known and associated with his logical thought process that can both help and hinder the other characters in different situations. Also, I’ve used my internal logic to hold myself from getting into physical altercations in the past. Now going back to the beginning when I said argument and logic were similar, it can help a person out a lot if they just take the time to think about their actions. Sometimes evaluating a situation and thinking over the potential consequences can  keep a person from doing something they might regret later.

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